I am over a decade in. I am the other woman in my own marriage. I believe my husband is the one that feels betrayed which is not fair. He told me he was a cross dresser but not gay when we were dating - full disclosure. I didn't really know what that meant to be honest. I was shocked but he was not gay so - it's just clothes.. right?
I didn't judge, I was ok with it, at first. It went from a little lingerie to names, wigs, full makeup and underdressing full time. As the years passed, I found myself becoming less tolerant. As the marriage progressed and children grew up giving more free time, the dressing has increased.
My sexual desire is all but gone - which is manifesting the issues in general. I can't look at him without seeing her and I am not gay so where does that leave me? I reach out to touch my husband and he is clean shaven and smooth everywhere which causes me to shutdown immediately. I find myself squeezing my eyes shut tight and just trying to pretend I am somewhere else to get through the 'sex' all the while knowing he would rather be dressed up. Is he pretending I am a man during sex? I have all sorts of horrible thoughts and yet he can't understand why I am not interested anymore.
He is becoming bitter and angry, our sex life is getting to be almost non existent. We do not speak about the cross dressing, he walks around the house dressed and I try not to look directly at him. When we try to make plans to do something together, the first suggestion is that we go out as girls together - I will not answer - I have expressed my disinterest in 'hanging out as girls' over and over and over. I can't be more clear.
I have asked the question of what my future holds? I am not interested and will not be married to a full time woman - it makes me feel sick and ashamed. It's not fair, and he says that he doesn't want to live a woman full time. I told him I do not believe him that he is lying to himself and to me and its selfish and unfair to drag this out for years.
I have been contemplating divorce. This shouldn't be my decision - it should be his to make - if he wants to live as a woman then he needs to stop being selfish and make the 'manly' hard decision to stop stringing me along wasting my youth and chance at happiness. I can make the decision, by my decision is simple - I want to be married to the MAN I feel is my best friend. The ONLY reason I would divorce him is because I have no desire to be married to a woman.
I have no desire to find another partner either. I married this man with 'forever' in mind. I am sad, lost, disappointed and I am starting to become resentful that he is taking advantage of me by lying to both of us.
I am finding that as of lately, the man I married is gone and I am living more with her than him.
I am lost and sad. I am angry that I am going to have to be the one to make this decision because he isn't strong enough.
I’m sorry and sad that you have to go through this.
You are correct that he will not end it. He has everything he needs right now at your expense and he has no incentive to leave.
I had to make the choice to leave and was similarly frustrated by that fact.
Does he have everything? He seems miserable. He complains we don't have enough sex and he has 'given up'. He complains that I used to be ok with it all and now I am not. He is unhappy most of the time because he can't dress enough, which I feel the complete opposite, he dresses all the time. I can't touch him without feeling straps under his shirts or knowing he is wearing panties and miserable deep down because he would rather be in a dress.
I honestly am starting to think if he would just admit he wants to live full time as a woman we could both just put this behind us and move on and be happier. Then I feel guilty for having the thought. I do not actually want to divorce my husband, when he is being a man I love him. But when he is only being a man once and awhile, its not enough anymore.
I feel that I need to wait for the children to be independent before I can make such a decision but it is a long time to wait and live in a sexless marriage where you walk around on eggshells avoiding the topic.
By everything I meant he’s got the freedom ofv expressing himself at your expense while being able to have the benefits of sharing a household with a partner. I apologize for such a broad term.
I can’t imagine what you are going through / you thought you married a man not a woman.
I so know what you're going through, having gone though something similar myself. It's a terrible blow at the most basic of levels to have your male husband rejecting his maleness, and then to have him pouting and angry that you aren't "accepting" him. It really hits you at the most basic level when your male husband, the one you fell in love with, begins to disavow his very maleness. When it comes to sex, this is particularly painful--in fact, it's traumatic, and the more you engage with that trauma, the deeper the wound from which you will have to recover.
One thing you will see in virtually all the stories on this site by women whose husbands go down this route is that their activity ramps up over time, and often accelerates, that they push the boundaries you have set or agreed on, and become ever more self-centered. You are seeing this right now: he wants to spend more and more time in women's clothes and is less and less able to imagine what this is like for you. Listen to yourself: for you, "when he is a man once and awhile, it's not enough." This tells you everything you really need to know.
While it is infuriating, unfair, and painful for us to have to be the ones to legally end the marriage when they, by their disavowal of the male man we fell in love with and married, are the ones to have already broken it, it's important that you get out in front of this feminizing fever of his, and act. For one thing, all the money spent on clothes and other accoutrements, hormones, and surgery is money that will be drained from your joint assets, and is not recoverable.
He is not ever going back to the husband you married and loved, and the deeper he gets into this feminizing behavior, the more disordered his thinking will become.
As for your children, there's a saying "You don't stay for the children, you LEAVE for the children."
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (April 22, 2019 7:53 pm)
I agree with Outofhiscloset. I left for the sake of my children. They were 6 and 11 when we split five years ago. They are thriving.
Last edited by a_dads_straight_journey (April 23, 2019 5:41 am)
Thank you. Its been awhile since I have been validated. OutOfHisCloset - when you said, 'and then to have him pouting and angry that you aren't "accepting" him' This was something I have experienced, when I don't get excited or thrilled when he figures out how to present more like a woman he pouts and becomes angry. That behavior is disappointing.
Dear otherwoman, I'm so sorry to hear you are feeling so guilty for NOT accepting your husband's female persona, I can not imagine, but it resonated wiht me as my ex changed many aspects of our life together early on by leaving our country and our religion once he was 'far away' from home which meant I was isolated and far away from support as he changed the whole blueprint of the life I had signed up to when we married. I think we have to realize we can opt out - divorce - reject this one-sided decision by one spouse to completely change. Though the emotions are so deep and it is not a job, you wouldn't stay in a job where suddenly you are asked to do something you had zero interest or ability to cope with! So why is it that we feel so guilty and ashamed of not "accepting' the terms that they have decreed!!??? No where else in life are people stripped of their right to choose their sexuality, yet if we heteros are intolerant or angry at the fact that our spouses choose to act out their compulsions they get celebrated as brave - we never had the chance to negotiate the terms or chose whether that change was allowed in the relationship. But the truth is we can, and should. If you don't like something, then you can say no. And if he pouts, then disengage. Chose another partner. I know it is hard, but I too have found love again and it is possible. Though the damage is still around, the ruin, but it is possible. You aren't a lesbian, so why should you want to live with a woman who is not who you married. He may have dressed up, but each step towards this full expression should include some sensitivity to you and your needs. It seems that is never the case here on these boards. Honesty includes us as straights saying, no, this is the boundary and the consquences of its breech are the end of this relationship. Ester Perel says modern love is a constant negotiation. exhausting, but when there is love and consideration, then it is divine and leads to greater emotional intimacy. This one-sided selfish demand for acceptance is not loving in the slightest. It is just selfishness. Simple. You are not the mirror for him to pout and try out his womanly ways on and eww I can only imagine how hard that is to see.
It's not your job to teach your trans identified partner how to be a woman. In fact, if you think about it, he could have been learning by watching you for all the years you were together. My ex, to whom I was married 32 years at the time of the trans bomb drop, had had ample time and example to watch me, intimately. He was also 58 years old, and has lived and worked with women his entire life. If here had been interested or paying attention or listening, or integrating any what he learned from the books he read, he would have had a clue about the way actual women live. Instead, the persona he adopted was a complete stereotype of femininity in terms of dress, behavior, and gesture, his idea of the socialization of girls and women a one-sided fantasy of giggling girls at sleepovers playing with unicorns and decorating themselves with glitter, and he idealized both domestic chores like vacuuming (but only if he could do it in a 1950s white slip like Donna Reed en deshabiller) and porn doll sexual behavior ("do with me what you will"; "I need you to fuck me"; "sometimes the strap just slips down").
He was in the grip of the pink fog high of feminizing, and not rational enough to engage in any "negotiation" carried out between two parties who each understand the other is an equally legitimate party with equally legitimate rights. With him, it was ultimatum and pronouncement, proceeding from a place of self-righteous entitlement. When that's their mode, we are always, as Leah says, reacting, rather than acting.