Since discovering TGT in my marriage, I sure have felt paralyzed. I think it's safe to say that most of us on this forum--even all those readers who never post--feel "paralyzed" or "stuck" or "conflicted." At least for a time. If not, why would we be reading here at all? There are lots of reasons for this paralysis! Including just processing what is going on. But a huge part of that, for me, and for others from what I've read here: We also have trouble acting, like mega-trouble acting way beyond our norm. Trouble knowing what is right, or feeling confused about what is emotionally healthy for us, or unable to find a clear path to what do I want? This is all super hard for me--as I feel that my most fundamental values and my sense of reality and direction and trust in myself are all knocked around and in conflict and confusion.
This week I read a post that really helped me better understand why I feel so stuck and conflicted. It's from 3/11/2019, "Dear Chump Lady, I want closure." Her thoughts really got at some core things for me. Then many of the comments below her post also really resonated for me.
A lot of us here feel stuck by GID spouses. A lot of us feel stuck even when TGT is not denied, or at least even when the evidence is overwhelming. A lot of us even feel stuck in our feelings even when our gay spouses move on themselves. I would love to hear the SSN take on this:
Chumplady wrote (and I've edited a bit, including for language!):
Dear Stuck:
I don’t think the mechanics of How To Leave are your problem — whether by note, chat, or sky writing — it’s permission that you’re after. A classic chump dilemma.
You’re giving your cheater the benefit of the doubt you won’t give yourself. She deserves closure and explanations? (Not you.) She deserves umpteenth chances? (Your time is an infinite resource?) She requires a continued presence in your life? (You don’t deserve space and no contact to heal?)
This lopsidedness — your needs are microscopic, hers are paramount — is the problem. You’ve accepted her entitlement — to your time, to chances, to resources — as Right and Proper. And you need trauma therapy to figure out if that exchange rate is okay.
It’s not okay.
You matter. When deciding to give ourselves permission to leave, what’s often in conflict is our value system. One value might be: I Won’t Tolerate Abuse. Which is in conflict with another value: I’m Not a Quitter. Or, I Don’t Give Up On People I Love.
And these values duke it out, LEAVE! Stay! LEAVE! Stay!
It goes beyond the heart versus the head — it’s an internal conflict about what sort of person you are. And trust me, [mind-messers] are very invested in this battle. If you have a conscience, if you can be shamed, you’re much more easy to manipulate that the cold-hearted creatures who don’t give a [quack].
Getting to the mental place of being able to leave feels like trying to morph into a cold-hearted creature who doesn’t give a [quack]. It’s a difficult head space for chumps, who’d much rather love all the hurt away and be awarded a gold medal for their self sacrifice.
SSN friends! Share your thoughts! Later, I'm going to add some replies to this thread, and include a couple of the responses that were below this CL post.
Sure it makes I went through this I told myself I did not want to become mean like her.
I would not want and could not be cruel or unkind to the person I loved so much. This is a hard thing to do when they are cheating on you and hurting you.
What I noticed and im sure you all have too is when we empaths stick up even a tiny bit for ourselves the wrath and response from them is disproportionate to how we treat them. For example,i was called evil when I said that no, I would not move out but still pay for her to live in our house. I was expected to keep giving my stoic loyalty and reliability.
Its hard for us people who feel bad buying a cup of coffee for ourselves to suddenly say "I matter"... It feels selfish.
But what i found was , with her being so cruel to me, was if i was not kind to myself who would be? I am such a kind person..i decided she no longer deserved the fierce kindness I possessed..she had forfeited all rights and privileges to not just things like money but also to my stoic kindness, compassion and empathy.
I decided to give those things to myself..because my kids needed a sane unabused dad. This did not mean i would be mean and cruel to her..rather some things I would no longer join her in hurting me..
It is hard for us empaths. To her i was mean and how dare you buy a cup of coffee for yourself..see how horrible you are...
But the reality is we gave to them unselfishly for years .it is second nature for us to always put them and the kids first.
Another last example ..she may think I maliciously opened a checking account or hired a lawyer..but i cried the entire time doing was not in my nature and i took no pleasure in doing either. She did not see or care about my tears and shaking hands as I tried to sign papers.
I urge feels foreign but it is necessary and it is just. I do not think God wants us to be in an abusive relationship and to join our abuser in hurting ourselves. Take some of that kindness and love and give it back to yourself. I think you'll find you are not a bad person and deserve to be the recipient of love and kindness.
I am in the same situation myself these days. My wife denies that she is gay or even has bi-sexual tendencies. She tries to tell me that it is perfectly normal in a marriage for a woman to not want to have sex anymore if they do not want to have any more children. It is perfectly normal to be highly aroused by lesbian erotica and not by plain vanilla sexual encounters with her husband.
I have stood by her for years thinking that I was the problem. That my depression was the cause for the great divide in our relationship. That somehow I wasn't worthy of her desire or affection. That I brought this on myself. That it was simply my cross to bear.
A week ago I found myself on this site, asking the question, "Is she or isn't she?" Having non-interested third parties share their opinions with me was enlightening. It brought me to an epiphany moment -- one where I was able to finally tell myself "I deserve better than this!"
Now, I find myself in the ugly time frame of not quite yet being able to pull the plug due to a business transaction. We run a business together and I am in the middle of a large sale that could be disrupted by a sudden change in our marital state. So I have to continue on until I have cleared that hurdle. It's hard right now, but I know with light at the end of the tunnel I can make it through.
I don't think that she will ever admit to being gay. If she does it would only be after her parents are gone. I know that I will be blamed for the dissolution of the marriage and so be it. I deserve a chance at a better life and I'm going to make it happen.
A lot of times straight men on this forum write in to tell women that it is not in fact "normal" for straight men to view gay porn.
This straight woman is telling you that it is not in fact normal for a woman to say she doesn't want sex anymore after she doesn't want any more children. Nor is it normal for a straight woman to be more aroused by lesbian erotica than by sex with her husband.
OutofHisCloset wrote:
A lot of times straight men on this forum write in to tell women that it is not in fact "normal" for straight men to view gay porn.
This straight woman is telling you that it is not in fact normal for a woman to say she doesn't want sex anymore after she doesn't want any more children. Nor is it normal for a straight woman to be more aroused by lesbian erotica than by sex with her husband.
It is definitely not normal for straight guys to watch gay porn. No straight guys watch gay porn.
Porn is the opportunity to view something that you are most attracted to because you don't get to experience it in real life. Straight guys are attracted to women and if they don't have a woman in their life they will watch porn to see what they desire. Straight guys don't desire to see naked men doing sexual acts - in fact I would say that most find it disgusting. They wouldn't watch it.. they would flee from it.
If a dude is watching gay porn it's because he likes it. If he likes it that means he's attracted to men sexually. That makes him gay.
I experienced the stuck feeling. The lament of the “lost years” the difficulty in finding joy around others living the dream that I thought I had. The backlash of not living your spouses closet anymore or for putting up new boundaries.
Friends and family will come along they will offer comforting sentiments but reality is still hard.
It’s hard having someone you cared for so much and gave so much for be replaced by someone you don’t want to be around and who is a continuous ongoing source of pain.
In so many ways I’ve had the thought that I wish my spouse could of just passed on, at least then I would of been left with the memory of what we had, of what we built together...
... now so many of those memories now hurt or are being replaced by painful encounters with them.
Stress can push up closer to matters of faith or push us farther away. In some ways I am grateful that my spouse didn’t pass on because them much of my anger would be directed at God and faith during this time has been comforting.
The most difficult thing is coming to a place where you believe and trust that these times of challenge will ultimately serve a greater purpose. For me I want to believe but I see daily the impact all of this has had on my children and the life I wanted for them. But I also know that though I cannot control much during this time I can control my own attitude. That my children need me to be the best parent I can for them right now.
There’s a poem that’s offered me some comfort during the “down and stuck” moments. I’ll share the last part of it here in case it offers anyone else some comfort as well:
“Come child - look up
If you loved me you would grieve
But you would trust me.
Do you think there’s a limit to how much I love you?
Do you think for a moment that I stopped loving you?
But you still only rely on yourself - child, You must rely on me;
Ask my pardon - and get up quickly;
⁃ For you see, it’s not the falling in the mud that’s the worst - but staying there.”
My daily challenge right now is beleiving those words, that’s okay, because while I might have moments of feeling down and stuck in the mud I also know that this is all a journey and that my journey is not over yet.
In the sense of the word STUCK that we are referring to:
Stuck is trying to wrap your head around something that makes no sense to you or most normal people.
Yet you, the one with your feet sinking deeper in a mire that you'll never comprehend, fight without full capacity to 'fix it' or tirelessly educate yourself on how to with the 'proper love and understanding' expected on 'CHUMPS' like us.
LOL..In kinder words, " Fix yourself by prying your feet from the 'mire' of the one that sunk you there..
(or in CL words; get our own heads out of their a**) and GO NO CONTACT!
That, my friend is the ONLY way to heal and begin fresh because we are NO LONGER STUCK WITH THEIR PROBLEMS!!!
Ahhhhhhhh! Freedom at last...
Trust me and I'm sure there are millions of others that would agree. You WILL get better and come out STRONGER!
Chump Lady, March 18, direct quote: "Mindfuckery keeps you stuck." We all agonize over why we can't leave, as if it's us. Look beyond your own issues and consider the ways your spouse is fxxxing with your head.
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (March 19, 2019 5:24 pm)