OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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February 27, 2019 4:13 pm  #1

don't want my husband to be bi

Married for almost 30 years.....
Caught my husband on an app, he shut his phone quickly not thinking I saw anything. What I saw was unsettling and needed to verify so I looked at his phone once we got home. Sadly, it was exactly what i saw. I confronted him and he told me he thought he might be bi. I can not say that I handled it well...NOT at all. This was 3 days ago. We have talked, I have asked tons of questions, told him I needed to know a yes or no answer. Are you or not? Researched and researched till my eyes hurt. The questions I found online points to...no he's not. I made the request for him to go to a counslor to figure out something, he has agreed. I made an appointment for myself  for Monday. He not only was viewing gay/ bi porn but sought out gay/bi chat rooms on KIK. That's what he was looking at when I saw him. He went as far as having conversations with a few guys. He says it was just general stuff nothing sexual related. The questions I asked were....find other men attractive? He says no! Does he fantasize about men? Says no! He says he finds gay/ bi porn interesting. He says he is completely committed to me and our marriage. 
Woke up yesterday morning from a nightmare...dreamed I walked in on him with another man. Told him after he found me sobing in the bathroom what the nightmare was and I thought it disgusting. I know....that is not the "right" thing to say. But I had to be honest. I feel that I am open minded about others. My thought...it is not my business. 
Soooo....he has promised to not pursue any of this. I am trying to "deal with" the betrayal, but the fears are overwhelming. Feel like I'm falling in a hole with no bottom an nothing to grab onto. 

A mermaid should not feel lke she is drowning.....

February 27, 2019 5:24 pm  #2

Re: don't want my husband to be bi


So sorry.   It is a shock.    Please try reading the First aid thread; 

Don't feel you need to process it all in one day..   Maintain status quo and start building a support system.


"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

February 27, 2019 8:03 pm  #3

Re: don't want my husband to be bi

Married 30 years. I am so sorry that you were going through this. My husband lost a job after 15 years because he was frequenting gay adult stores. He is still in denial. We separated six months ago. I can tell you that this has been a great resource for me. I believe it will help you. There is a lot of information here and the fact that a lot of people are experiencing the same things and hearing the same  is just reinforcement that we’re not crazy. I remember the early weeks after finding this information out. It can be overwhelming take care of yourself and reach out to people that you can trust.
I hope that both you and your husband get into counseling and please know that you’re not alone need to vent feel free to reach out.

Wishing you all the best.


February 27, 2019 8:35 pm  #4

Re: don't want my husband to be bi


So sorry you need to be here but glad you found this resource.  The pain feels unbelievable after knowledge of this type activity comes to us. Reading these stories/posts from people in situations very similar does help you gain info & help you feel that someone may have some idea of what you are going through.

Married 32 years, I found out in October and my days are some better but it is still very difficult most of the time. Hang in there and visit this site when you need to.

All the best!


February 27, 2019 9:30 pm  #5

Re: don't want my husband to be bi

Thank you for responding. I know in my head it’s going to be a long process but my heart wants it fixed now. It is (pardon my French) pissing me off that he acts like all is ok. He is actually at a friend’s having drinks. (No not worried about him being with him) Me...I’m scared to death to run into a friend. Because if they know me well, it will be obvious something is wrong. And once the words...”Are you ok?” comes out, I know I’ll be in tears. The therapist he contacted is suppose to be back in the office tomorrow so hopefully he can make an appointment SOON. Hopefully between two different therapists we can get some guidance on how the hell get through this. I feel dehydrated from all the tears & exhaustion from my heart being stopped on. He actually said he was surprised how I was taking this. Thought I was more open minded. OMG....I wanted to punch him.

A mermaid should not feel lke she is drowning.....
     Thread Starter

February 27, 2019 11:21 pm  #6

Re: don't want my husband to be bi


Once you start reading posts here on this forum, you’ll notice the commonalities.

1- when you ask them about their attractions, they will deny. You caught him on gay/bi sites. It’s definitely because of sexual attraction. Why isn’t he on sports websites then If it’s just “general non sexual” things??
2- Acting like all is normal. I personally started to question my own sanity honestly. He was actually mad with me for being depressed! Imagine.

You are at the beginning of your path. Take the time to be mad, grieve and come here and vent. You should also have your own therapist to deal with this emotions. We’re here for you.


February 28, 2019 8:12 am  #7

Re: don't want my husband to be bi

Yes, I hate that anyone else would have to go through this but knowing I'm not alone especially not crazy and have a RIGHT to these feeling is comforting. I have an appointment on Monday afternoon with my own therapist. 
Trying to find positives WHERE EVER I can find them. I've lost 4 lbs in the last 3 days. Oh joy!

Last edited by Married30yrs (February 28, 2019 2:33 pm)

A mermaid should not feel lke she is drowning.....
     Thread Starter

February 28, 2019 7:42 pm  #8

Re: don't want my husband to be bi

M30y: one thing that was hard for me, was realizing that my husband was lying to me because he was lying to himself.  You can't force-feed reality to these guys.

He may be telling himself over and over that he's not gay.  He may have been telling himself this for 30 years now.  Getting him to see the obvious may not be easy.

My husband maintained that he was "bisexual" even though he had cut me off sexually over twenty years earlier, and even though he was hooking up with multiple guys week in and week out during this time.

Relinquere fraudator, vitam lucrari.

March 1, 2019 10:55 am  #9

Re: don't want my husband to be bi

Married 30 years:

The posts you are reading here certainly will not “fix” the issues, speed up the process, BUT it will make you realize you are not alone as well as realize this is much more prevalent than you could have ever imagined. I have been in denial for years! Denial is very powerful. It is easy to pretend all is normal, because you have to go on and live day to day life. I finally realized and perhaps you will soon that it really doesn’t matter if he is bi, gay, or straight up heterosexual - he is being deceptive whether acting on it yet, or not. You have probably read....heterosexual men don’t typically engage on gay chat sites. My husband gave same excuses. They all follow similar story lines. Perhaps he doesn’t want to admit, or really cannot and is in his own denial. Doesn’t matter as you now are drug into it and have to make sense of it. It is not fast, so just face that reality. A very close friend gave me some wonderful advice that has helped make me happy again (my new login 😊) and that is.....YOU NOW are in control. Not of him, but of you. Wake up every day and remind yourself of that....how you choose to act/react ~ you control that. The process and choices are yours....good luck!


March 1, 2019 12:57 pm  #10

Re: don't want my husband to be bi

“Sometimes it takes darkness and the sweet confinement of your aloneness to learn anything or anyone that does not bring you alive is too small for you.”
David Whyte,

Happy again - I’m so happy to see a new positive login name for you. And you are so right about it all. At some point you will realize it’s not really about being bi/gay/heterosexual anymore, it’s about being deceptive. Trying to make logic out of this will drive you insane.


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