If your spouse decided it was more important to stay monogamously with you, would you accept that offer?
I know there are a lot of differentiating circumstances, and some here have real-world experience navigating these issues.
My initial thoughts would be that this is the outcome that most people in our situation would love to have. However, shortly after that thought, all of the doubts come to mind. How long would it last? How happy/unhappy would they be? How happy/unhappy would you be? How much would you ever be able to trust them and not worry about if they were satisfying that part of their life? (especially if they have previously been unfaithful)
ThisSeason wrote:
If your spouse decided it was more important to stay monogamously with you, would you accept that offer?
On the spectrum of Mixed Orientation r'ships...mine is set at the point where monogamy has been promised.
Now it's all up to him to prove I'm right in trusting him.
Once the trust is broken over and over,he is who he is.
So, my answer would be no, I wouldn’t want to continually be questioning everything he said or did.
I did that for too long when I was married and never knew what the underlying problem was in our 32 year marriage.
Life is so much better with him not in my life.
In a word, no. I think it's a fundamental need to feel wanted and desired by one's spouse/partner. Knowing that my husband is not attracted to me is just not something I can live with no matter how nice of a guy he is outside of the bedroom. I got married so I could have a loving relationship which included companionship, friendship, love, and to be honest, sex.
Speaking for myself, once my GIDH and I stopped having sex, everything else went away. Intimacy has a way of keeping a couple close and connected. After a few months of no sexual contact from my husband, that connection started to go away. And, once I realized that he never even really wanted me sexually at all, it dried up completely. I feel like we could be friends again at some point, but nothing else.
In summary, I don't want someone who doesn't want me, period. This might mean I'll end up alone forever and to me, that's preferable to being with someone who is trying to fit a square peg into a round hole in order to be with me.
Maybe it's just due to trauma bonding and confusion, but it seems difficult to discern the motives of a self-proclaimed "gay" spouse. Are there any valid or healthy reasons they would decide not to pursue the gay lifestyle they thought they wanted/needed?
I think it was phoenix who once said that deciding between wants and needs can help gain clairity. Is having sex with the same sex a want or a need for your spouse? Is monogamy a want or a need for you?
When my STBE told me he thought he was gay, one of the only things he proposed as “solutions” to make it work and stay together was to not act on his sexual needs. I want to fulfill my needs and desires, and I dont want for him, or anybody else, to not be able to fulfill theirs. So that offer would never work for me. It sounds like a life of repression, doubts, and potentially trust issues and hiding. In our case he proposed it out of fear to lose me, as we are best friends and parents of a baby. He also cares deeply about me, but obviously can’t help being gay. The spectrum is very big, and I agree, it depends on what each particular person needs/wants and what both are willing to sacrifice,
I am sure some couples can make it work. It depends on how important sex is for both parts, and how much they trust each other.
I certainly can't tell you what to do or what is best for your life and situation. I will however, share with you my story. I have been married for 27 years to my husband, which we are now in the process of divorce. I found out about 7 years into our marriage about my husband same sex attraction and anonymous sexual acting out. At that point he swore he wasn't gay just same sex attracted and we went to counciling and groups and stayed together. I believe my husband has always been attracted to me as well and our sex life has always been good. At that point he commited to momogamy with me and approx 5 years later I found out again that he was participating in same stuff. We seperated and again did counciling etc and got back together with promises of faithfulness to me etc. Again, approx 3 months ago I found out that these behaviors were happening again. With my husband there is never any clues, it's always just a gut feeling I have and it comes out later. He is a great husband, father, partner, sexual relationship, etc. This last time I said no more I can't continue this cycle.
Looking back over the 27 years now. I don't feel he was ever faithful to me, I think there were times he really wanted to be and tried to be but couldn't do it. I too, thought maybe I could just live like this my husband would be all for that, but then I knew that I couldn't do that to myself that I wanted and deserved more. I knew I had to love and respect myself enough to stand up for what I knew and believed a relationship/marriage should be. I knew if I just accepted and stayed out of fear and convience and security that I would die inside knowing that it wasn't going to change and that I was living a lie.
I don't have the answers for you, but I hope sharing my experience will help you in your life. I completely understand your battle.
Butterfly, it sounds like that if you had to do it over again that you would not have made the same choice to stay for so long. Is that correct?
Mine, like many did promise this. But after over 20 years of cheating at intervals I was just so devastated by the betrayals that trusting at this level after such a long history was not a possibility. I asked him to tell me about his journey and the betrayals, but he wanted my silence and for me to be complicit in the silence. I could have 'saved' my marriage, but the price was for me to ignore the pain I was in at the betrayals. I just couldn't do it. And he was silent too often and living in another town. I actually put a key logger on his computer and he googled male massage within a week. I should have waited for more evidence, but I confronted him only to have to hear more denials. The trust was gone. The openers and intimacy I had craved for so long were never going to materialise - even if he was monogamous. I was just too devastated to put effort into the relationship knowing how long he had hidden and deceived me.
No I wouldn't, nor would I recommend anyone does if there are serious signs TGT. A friend of my mother's daughter has a husband who has admitted to being gay and they have tried for five years with intensive counselling to save their marriage, but have finally given up. My mother says "aren't you lucky he let you go"! And I have to say that probably yes I am.... It is harder when they keep trying to deep six all TGT brings out onto the table.
jkc1214 wrote:
In a word, no. I think it's a fundamental need to feel wanted and desired by one's spouse/partner. Knowing that my husband is not attracted to me is just not something I can live with no matter how nice of a guy he is outside of the bedroom. I got married so I could have a loving relationship which included companionship, friendship, love, and to be honest, sex.
Speaking for myself, once my GIDH and I stopped having sex, everything else went away. Intimacy has a way of keeping a couple close and connected. After a few months of no sexual contact from my husband, that connection started to go away. And, once I realized that he never even really wanted me sexually at all, it dried up completely. I feel like we could be friends again at some point, but nothing else.
In summary, I don't want someone who doesn't want me, period. This might mean I'll end up alone forever and to me, that's preferable to being with someone who is trying to fit a square peg into a round hole in order to be with me.
Uhg... I'm in the exact situation the OP brought up. What you wrote is exactly how I'm feeling. But its very hard because my Bi or LW (i'm honestly not sure which, but definitely leans L) is trying very hard and will be devastated if we split up the family. She makes it very difficult to make the leap and move on. In the end though, I know no matter what, no matter what kind of concessions she gives, she'll never want to interact with me with any real passion or desire.