Hi y’all
My husband is gay and always talks about wanting me to cheat on him even though I don’t have this desire to be with anyone. He will get horny over that thought and talk about it to a point I need to tell him very strongly not to talk to me like that.
Then I’m like your gay how does that thought even turn you on?
We were married before I knew he was gay.
Has anyone else had this experience and why do you think gay husbands want or are turned on by this?
And no I’m not considering cheating or cuckold or any of that.
Hi Willow
Only your husband knows his motive for wanting you to cheat but have you flat out asked him why ? He could be testing the waters to see your reaction. If he keeps pushing and bringing it up maybe he is doing that to convince you it is a good idea so that after he will ask for an open marriage. In his mind he could be just trying to manipulate you like if you cheat then its like giving him permission to cheat perhaps ? Not sure if that made any sense ?
Hi Willow - My former husband has never admitted that he was gay, and I frankly had not realized it myself at the time of our divorce (many years ago now). However, he was cheating with someone and I knew it. Toward the end of our marriage, he would often make comments that suggested that I was cheating too, although he never showed any signs of being turned on by that idea. I always thought it was a way to "balance out" his own cheating, so it wouldn't look as bad to himself or others. I think what Ignorance said above is also a possibility, that he might have been looking for an open marriage of sorts. I think my former spouse wanted either out of the marriage altogether or something like an open marriage. He said things that suggested I might be cheating and I thought that in a certain way, he was even encouraging it, so that he would have some sort of "out" for his own bad behavior. Like you, I never had any desire to be with anyone else. I thought we had marriage problems and wanted to work on fixing them; I did not want another person.
I believe it's been suggested before that the gay spouse watches in order to imagine himself in the wife's position, being made love to by a man. A disguised way to enjoy the idea of gay sex without actually having it. Part of the repertoire of denial.
Hi Willow,
Welcome to our group. I'm sorry you are going through this.
I would imagine the response above is a reasonable guess, but I think everyone has their own reasons for their fantasies.
Good for you for setting your boundaries! Don't ever do something you are uncomfortable with to appease someone who has been dishonest with you about who they are.
How are you doing aside from the sexual fantasy or cheating suggestions? How long have you been married? How long have you known he is gay? Are you staying with him or thinking about separating? What else can we help you with?
*You don't have to answer any questions at all if you are uncomfortable. I'm just exploring to see how else we can help you cope and move forward.
Thank you for the advice and support.
I can see it clearer now. I have recently been told but have had suspicions for awhile. I posted in the support area. We are still living together and haven’t made any plans right at this point in time. I am very hurt. I feel like what I put into my marriage and the hard work and effort is for nothing. I see happy couples at the beach and It cuts me deeper knowing that is all in the past and it won’t be me. Can you please read my post in the support and I will be very thankful. It’s cruel to know so many people are going through this although I feel less alone.
Hi, Willowtree. Welcome.
I agree with what IgnoranceIsBliss posted: your husband is the only person who understands why he has these fantasies, and he may be a bit in denial about them.
If he has already cheated on you (or is seriously considering it) it may be a way he can assuage his conscience about it -- that way you would have been the first one to cheat, and he gets off the hook morally because you did it first.
When my husband and I had the first conversation about his little hobby, I'd pointed out to him that I had never cheated on him, and he responded "I never stopped you." I shut that right down as soon as he said it -- he would have been DEVASTATED if I'd cheated. It's only in his imagination that somehow we two are on equal footing here. So I think one possible explanation for your situation is that your husband wants you to cheat so he can get a free pass to cheat as well.
Yeah I think it would make him feel a lot better about the situation but I know he has also said before in the past it would hurt him if I did find someone else.
I get very angry when he says things like that and try’s to shift it over. Like today his gone on a date and that’s very weird for me. He turned around and asked if I wanted to go on a date with anyone? I’m not competing here. I got angry with him again. I don’t want anyone else right now.
I know his come to terms either being gay to a point but I haven’t come to terms yet. I feel like vomiting but at the same time his gay so what else am I meant to do? Beg him to be straight and live happily ever after? I know that’s not going to happen. It just feels like I went from living a straight life to a gay on in the blink of a eye.