I feel like my options I lose everything or i ignore everything,
Hopeful10 wrote:
I feel like my options I lose everything or i ignore everything,
Right?! What a shitty place to be.
thanks Hopeful - not really an argument, I think Phoenix's main concern was the same as mine - that you feel supported here. I'm not religious so it makes for misunderstandings sometimes.
I can't walk past the fact that you're 7 months pregnant - you've got to choose pretty quickly if you are comfortable to live with him for the next little while, or not.
Does he lie about everything? what motives are you questioning (don't answer here, just for thinking about).
I don't think you can ignore everything. But you might not need to lose everything. I think you need to say goodbye to the romantic relationship - your back is against the wall and he can't give you the honesty and comfort you need, instead he's still shoving - now you can't talk about it either.
But having said goodbye to the romantic element, there is maybe a real friendship? that's the way I approached it - said no this is not a romantic husband/wife bond let's be friends.
When I did that it became clear my ex had no interest in being my friend at all, our relationship was based on him being able to manipulate me. Not on being on a level footing. Which is what asking for honesty is - level with me, you're saying.
But if he really is your friend, your partner might be able to offer his own brand of loyalty and affection in his own way. Both of you are going to want romance at some point in the future but maybe the baby is going to take centre stage for both of you now?
I have 2 step children who only know me as mom, their mom is not in their lives. We received a letter from her own brother yesterday saying she should not be in their lives and that he would testify such. I also got called into a work meeting which suggested I as well as others may soon lose their jobs.
If I end this relationship I would lose more than just him, id lose my children WITHOUT any legal rights to them simply because I didn't birth them. They are my babies!
My step son has high functioning autism and muscular dystrophy.
I mentioned already my daughter and her loss in this would be a good loving father figure.
My husband and I have a pretty loving relationship. I am the one who gets cold and distant at tines (especially since discovery). We have sexual relationship usually a couple times a week at minimum. I get that this would be risking my health and I worry about it.
I talked to my grandmother yesterday without disclosing much of anything and she admitted in her marriage with my grandpa (he's passed) , he was never too faithful and that she made a choice in the relationship to basically say what she had to say but decided to stay and ignore it all. She was the glue to the family. You would have never known.
Both my parents were also unfaithful, but it began with my father. This seems like a very typical thing no matter what marriage or with who. The difference in the 2 is my mom,stayed resentfully and it sure showed.
I think that staying means choosing to not be resentful and choosing to stick my head in the sand and accept the situation. Accept that its likely continuing now, and will in the future and choose to ignore it.
I was also a step parent, one of them also having special needs. It’s a nightmare to think you’d lose your kids because they’re family.
I’d encourage you to keep in mind ending an unhealthy relationship with a toxic person isn’t necessarily an end to your relationship with those kids and trying to stay with this person doesn’t guarantee you’ll be able to have one with them either.
From my personal experience, I drained myself trying to please a person who blames me for her unhappiness. I raised the 2 step kids to adulthood and kept one of them at my place for a year and a half. This didn’t end with everyone having a happy life. They slowly but surely backed off and are content with their mother who tells them it’s my fault it didn’t work out even though she’s clearly gay and left me to be with a woman.
Your responsibility begins and ends with you when it comes to whether you want to be used by this person or move away. Your kids and step kids will make their own decisions as well. What ever you choose, please don’t let it be out of fear of losing your current life. Tha life is changing and breaking one way or another.