I had an interesting day today.
I've been working on forgiveness for almost 2 years now. It's a huge tug-of-war in my heart. I feel that I need to forgive her so that I can heal and move on with my life. But that is so hard to do when that person caused so much pain in your life and never offered any sincere apology. So my anger and pride has made it a great challenge to forgive.
It's been a long struggle.
In the early stages it took all that I had to not retaliate in some way. As I progressed I started to open my heart and mind to the concept that I need to forgive. I learned a lot through books, friends, my church and prayer. I learned what forgiveness is and what it is not. I learned why I need to forgive. I developed a desire to forgive. But it's taken me a very long time to reach a point where I could finally clear the last hurdle and make it real. For me, that last hurdle was reaching out to my ex and letting her know that I forgive her. (This doesn't have to be the case for everyone.. i'm not suggesting that it should be).
I was finally able to clear that hurdle this morning. I felt like I needed to finally reach out to my ex. I'm a pretty religious person, so for me that felt like God prompting me in a strong way. I reached out to a couple of friends first asking for some support. But I knew what I had to do. I pulled up my phone and typed an email. It was VERY hard to do. Each word felt like it was opening an old stitch that closed that deep wound. It brought back some very intense pain from that wound.. but I fought through the tears and typed out my note and hit send.
My note wasn't long or eloquent or poetic. It was very short and simple.. There were three basic sentences.
I forgive you.
I apologize for any hurt I caused.
I wish you well.
I told her I wasn't even looking for a response. What I did today was for me. It helped me to clear that final hurdle in forgiveness so that I can keep running forward in my life. I no longer need her to apologize.. I'm free from that. That was the whole point.
Hey Phoenix
I was reading through the posts and I'm so sorry to hear you are still hurting...
when you and your wife met were you good friends?
Can you hold onto that friendship for the kids? Don't hate her new lover hate is a harsh thing and will only make it worse for you... And you won't be able to let her go...
This is not your fault and you have done nothing wrong it is her problem and her baggage, you need to let her go and let her take the weight off you.
Acceptance was the hardest thing for me with my husband and we still love each other, it is just another form of love..
It was the hardest day when my he came home to clean his stuff out of the house, we sat on the step and we talked and cried together, he hated being gay, it wasn't what he wanted but it was what was.
I wish I could reach out and give you a big hug as it does suck what these people do to the other person when they are trying to find themselves.
Just remember you are a good person and keep telling yourself that.
Hi Vee, Thanks for your comments.
My ex and I were best friends first, then got married and remained great friends until she cheated and left me for a married woman.
We have no relationship now aside from logistics for the kids. That was her choice. I asked for the chance to talk and work toward reconciliation and she rejected me (common theme).
I have completely and totally let her go. I want nothing to do with her.
I do hate her lover and probably always will.
I really am very happy with where I am right now. My hurt is mostly in the past. I'm still working on a few things though. Forgiveness is one of the biggest struggles and I've been working on it for 18+ months. Being able to offer my forgiveness to her was perhaps the final hurdle in that process.
Thanks for the e-hug!
I hope this brought you a measure of peace.
If I were to tell my stbx I forgive him what I would hear in return is that he has done nothing wrong--but that I have hurt him. I don't think this is likely to change.
OutofHisCloset wrote:
I hope this brought you a measure of peace.
If I were to tell my stbx I forgive him what I would hear in return is that he has done nothing wrong--but that I have hurt him. I don't think this is likely to change.
OOHC,, yes its is the warped and alternate reality that I could not deal or compete my GX was cheating on me but it was OK and I was to blame. How she thought the abuse was OK.
I'm ok now.. sure I get sad sometimes but at least I'm living in reality with proper morals and no abuse. Just because these spouses say something or scream or shout something does not make it true.
Last edited by Rob (March 27, 2018 10:22 pm)
Wow.. today marks 2 years since my ex admitted that she was a lesbian.
2 years!
I remember those first days and weeks so vividly. I didn't know how I was going to survive. I was in more mental pain and anguish than I could imagine possible.
But I got through it.. one day at a time.. sometimes one hour at a time.
I'm so grateful for this forum.. This group of people who were there to offer me hope and wisdom and encouragement.
So now I'm 2 years past that trauma.. time to check in again and keep this account going.
I'm so happy with my life and so optimistic about the future.
My kids are doing amazing. I kept my house and have managed to make it a bachelor pad and even keep up with cleaning. I've gotten even more into my hobby of sports cars.. only now with zero guilt about the time spent on it. I got into photography and videography and now make youtube videos about car events and projects - it's so much fun! I go out with friends at least 3x a week and am much more social than I was before. I'm involved in leadership and participation in a church bible study, the SSN and a large car discussion forum. I travel a lot - since my divorce I've been to India, Florida, California, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, New York, and am currently planning future trips to Tennessee, Arizona and Columbia/Peru and Israel. Most exciting - I have recently found a "special someone" that I'm excited to see what develops with in the future.
I still remember all of the pain vividly, but I don't feel it very strongly or very often anymore. It's in the back of my mind now rather than the front. I still have full empathy and compassion for everyone here in this group and I can feel there pain, but my own has subsided so much.
I no longer pine away wishing for justice or fairness or waiting for an apology that would possibly make me feel better. I just don't care about her anymore. at all. In fact, I heard she got married a couple months ago to the homewrecker she left me for. It disrupted my day for only a short time and I wound up being more frustrated that it bothered me than actually bothered by the realization.
So.. for those still reading along, I want to convey a message of hope to you: It gets better!
The experience is difficult and I wouldn't wish it on anyone, but through the trials I have transformed. I'm happier now because I'm a better person, formed into something better by the pressure and pain of that experience. Having experienced the worst helps me appreciate much more the good that I have in life today. I'm happier because of it.
A dear friend shared a poem with me last week. Hopefully noone minds the religious angle to it, but I think we can all understand and appreciate message.
In the valley I grow
Sometimes life seems
hard to bear,
full of sorrow, trouble and woe
It's then I have to remember
that it's in the valley I grow.
If I always stayed on the
mountain top,
and never experienced pain
I would never appreciate
God's love
and would be living in vain.
I have so much to learn
and my growth is very slow
Sometimes I need the
mountain tops
but it's in the valley I grow
Dear phoenix,
I just wrote you a note and it deleted somehow into cyberspace....
The point was, lots of love on this day, but not because it is the two year anniversary of tragedy, but because you are where you are now.... like the virginia slims commercial, 'you have come a long way baby' and you are an inspiration to us all!
Thanks B-Strong! My greatest hope is to help people find their own struggles a little easier to live through.
Thank you Phoenix! Wow, it definately helps me~knowing that there is life after this. I mean, I know it, but it is great to see it actually unfolding. Super wonderful and exciting! I can't wait to see what life has for me after this. I must believe it is something wonderful too
I just read your 1st post as lost dad. You said everything that I am now experiencing. I just found out yesterday my husband is gay and in a new relationship. He wants to leave me....he thinks that we can still be best friends and wants to support me....he just doesn't get how agonising this is.Like you I realise I have been in denial since he revealed a gay affair 15 years ago. But I also know that those 15 years have been full of happiness and fun. We have been together 33 years...he had been my rock, my best friend, my sole mate. I took a little solace from reading your progress and journey. Right now I am in bits, can't see anything ahead, can't stop crying. The pain is so intense. How can the person closest to me in my life be willing to just discard our marriage and hurt me so so much. I just hope I can move onwards as you have.