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This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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December 13, 2016 12:21 pm  #171

Re: How do I survive this?

Thank you so much Rob and mare for the advice and encouragement. 

Doesn't truth deserve to be told?  If the shoe was on the other foot, I'd be pretty pissed if someone knew about my wife's actions and didn't tell me.  I'd be pretty unhappy if someone had resources to help me and didn't offer them.  

Doesn't he deserve truth?

Doesn't his wife deserve the truth to be told?  Shouldn't she learn that there are repercussions for her actions?  Can they just ride off into the sunset after destroying two families and not have to face the impact of their actions?

I don't think so..   I don't think telling the truth to people who deserve to know truth is a wrong action. 

I'm not saying I'm going to do anything..  Just saying what I believe right now. 

-Formerly "Lostdad" - I now embrace the username "phoenix" because my former life ended in flames, but my new life will be spectacular. 


December 13, 2016 4:54 pm  #172

Re: How do I survive this?

lostdad wrote:

Thank you so much Rob and mare for the advice and encouragement. 

Doesn't truth deserve to be told? ..... Shouldn't she learn that there are repercussions for her actions?  ..Can they just ride off into the sunset after destroying two families and not have to face the impact of their actions?


In my ex's case...yes.. They can just ride off into the sunset.   They both will really make out well in the divorce...very evil and clever gals.     I will not get involved even if it means helping the other husband .. is this unchristian.. maybe.. but the girlfriend from what I can tell is getting divorced also.   I believe the husband filed..  that is all I last knew and care to know.   Both wives were disloyal and unfaithful... both families are getting divorces..  both wives feel they did nothing wrong ... it defies logic, morals, ethics etc..   I don''t want to be involved in any way with such evil people.    They can have their sunset.. just go away and leave me alone.

Last edited by Rob (December 13, 2016 5:03 pm)

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

December 14, 2016 4:56 am  #173

Re: How do I survive this?

lostdad, I can read the anger and frustration in your post.  I don't know you, i can only speak from my very limited vantage point.   I think all of us here can identify with that feeling of wanting to scream from the rooftops all of the wrongs that were done to us, how unfair it is, and to make people "pay".  In the end, it's only exhausting and depleting to us.  Temporarily, it may feel good to share, but it spreads anger and frustration as well.  As far as I can read, you don't know the husband of your ex-wife's new partner. You are not friends or acquaintances.  Unfortunately, if he knows, you are sharing the same pain.  If he doesn't, you'll be the messenger of a horrible secret.  Why carry that responsibility?  Why is it that burden yours to bear?  
You wrote: Doesn't truth deserve to be told?  Yes.  Absolutely.  Perhaps not by you, to him. If the shoe was on the other foot, I'd be pretty pissed if someone knew about my wife's actions and didn't tell me. Agreed, I am sure there is a lot you both don't know, but again I would ask, how is it your responsibility to stir that pot?  I'd be pretty unhappy if someone had resources to help me and didn't offer them.  Yes, but you don't know if he knows and don't know him as a friend or acquaintance, and have no idea of his emotional state.  You only  know yours, that you are hurt and pissed.  I can totally understand having the need to have someone to lean on that you feel is in the same situation, but it seems like this is less support and more revenge. 

Doesn't he deserve truth? Of course he does, and it will be his ex-wife's to tell, if he doesn't already know and is dealing with it on his own.  

Doesn't his wife deserve the truth to be told? This anger could be placed in a more positive direction of taking care of yourself.  Scarlet Lettering his wife isn't going to do much for her.  She likely believes she did the right thing and was truthful.  Shouldn't she learn that there are repercussions for her actions?  How do you know what her actions were in their marriage/relationship?  You only know yours.  You are not the relationship police for their relationship.  Again, she is not the only one who was part of this; your ex was as well.  Can they just ride off into the sunset after destroying two families and not have to face the impact of their actions?  Looking back, that is the first time you said "they" instead of "she", referring to your ex as a couple instead of the villiain of your ex's new partner.  I agree with Rob; yes, they can and have rode off into the sunset together.  It happens.  All too much as we've seen. Our own hurt and feelings of betrayal are totally justified.  They did cheat, they did lie, they did destroy.  But for them, they may feel they did nothing wrong.  That they did the right thing by finally telling the truth.  That being together openly and honestly is better (for them).  That living a lie was not the right or moral thing to do (to them).  For us, we look at the surreal sense of what life has become and often ask, "Who does this to someone they love?? (and then we doubt they did love us)" They have and will face the consequence of their actions, because they have to live with themselves every time one of the kids has behavior issues, every time they think about their former spouses (they will and do), and everytime they miss their old life and all of the good things they had (there were good times).  Carrying that torch to burn their house down will become depleting and exhausting for you, and that energy could be used to do something good----for yourself, and your kids.  Figure out what that good is, because it isn't carrying around someone else's pain, secrets, and anger.  It's horribly painful. 

I don't think so..   I don't think telling the truth to people who deserve to know truth is a wrong action. You're right.  But you are assuming he doesn't know the truth.  And for whatever reason feel you need to be the messenger to destroy your ex's new love and their relationship.  I'm afraid that won't work.  All that will occur is more pain if you are met with the emotions that come out when you become the messenger of a horrific delivery.  

I'm not saying I'm going to do anything..  Just saying what I believe right now. Keep saying it.  Vent it out here!  May I share something that worked for me?  I found tremendous relief in creating a blog that wasn't public, and wrote letters to him, to myself, to his family, to our friends, basically everything I was feeling.  I never sent emails, I never sent letters.  But wow, it felt great to get it out.  I then printed my pages and put them in a fire pit and watched them burn.  It was amazing how just getting those words out and re-reading what I wrote offered comfort.    Since you are a religious person, you may want to look around your area and see if you can find a burning bowl ceremony on New Year's Eve.  Usually Unitarian churches do them. It's a tremendous way of letting things go and a certain concept of looking to the future. Lots of reflection and prayer.  I've gone every year to this ceremony for the last 15 years.  That's after I found out they actually had something like that.    I've also found tremendous relief in visiting whack a mole at Chuck-E-Cheese (and I don't even have kids!), throwing a bowling ball down an alley, and hitting golf balls at a driving range.  I just needed all that anger to go somewhere. 

lostdad, you'll find your way.  I wish you peace.  

“Above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely of places.”

December 29, 2016 4:03 am  #174

Re: How do I survive this?

I've kept updating my saga fairly regularly.  I think partly to help me "journal" my experiences, which is helpful for me personally.  Also because I want to document the saga for future use. I'm not sure if I'll write an article or book or anything that adventurous, but I feel there is value in keeping this journal.  Hopefully others will find it helpful as it has been fairly thorough from the shock stage after just finding out to current (now divorced and awaiting her move out).  

Anyway.. on with the story. 

Christmas was miserable.  I think I was pretty well prepared for it.  I knew it would be hard.  I had no false hope that it would be enjoyable or fulfilling.  I just told myself ahead of time that the only happyness I would get is from my kids enjoying the day.  They did.. so that mission was accomplished.  

My parents came to stay for a couple weeks. They were here for Christmas and will stay through the first week of Jan.  They are so fantastic!  It's so nice having them here to keep me company.. especially after this coming weekend when she will move out. 

My relationship with my new ex-wife has deteriorated pretty rapidly since the divorce went final on Dec 9th. She stopped showing me any compassion or "love" as of that day.  No more hugs, no more sitting next to me on the couch, no more cuddling.  

I think I'm pretty well in touch with my emotions on this.  I knew that I was very good at compartmentalization.  I could take all the pain and anger and hurt and kind of lock it away while she was showing me compassion.  I knew it was there, but I made it take a back seat.  My love language is touch and I was getting some touch.  Nothing sexual... but still a little intimate.  I felt loved.  I knew it was temporary.. but it was helping me get through the days.    With that being cut off, my ability to compartmentalize and keep the hurt, anger and hate at bay is now gone.  I just can't do it anymore.  I am feeling zero love or compassion, so the negative emotions are all I feel now.  

I hate her for lying to me for so many years.  I hate her for not having the decency to divorce me before falling in love with someone else.  I hate her for cheating on me.  I HATE that she cheated on me.  

However, despite all of this, I still have kept my vow.  I have not yelled at her.  I have not called her names or said bad words to her.  I don't engage in any angry conversation around the kids.   We basically just talk business and that is all. 

My older son is starting to really struggle.  He's very stressed out.  He's also getting played between us.. which is unfortunate.  I told both boys the truth about what happened and why we are getting divorced.  I have been upfront with them about my dislike of the other woman.  I have told them that it is unacceptable to cheat on your spouse, especially with another married person.  Unfortunately my wife has been trying to whisper in his ear that the other woman is a nice and wonderful person and says that I shouldn't be blaming her for what happened.  But I will not back down from truth and morals.  It took two people to cheat and both knew exactly what they were doing and what the implication was on everyone in their families.  It's completely unacceptable and I will not back away and pretend that she's an good person.  Even it makes life easier on my kids in the short term.. I will not back down from what is right. 

She is supposed to close on her new house tomorrow (well today now because it's like 4 am).  I really need her out of the house.  It will be very hard for me..  the reality of it all will set in even more.  But at this point having her gone is what I want most.  She's no longer giving me any positive energy.. only negative.  So I'm going to face the hard time when she first moves out and get through it as well as I can. 

The only thing that still gives me any hope for the future and any good feelings is the idea of meeting someone new.  I signed up for a dating site.  I'm not ready to reach out to anyone and ask for a date.  But if someone asks me.. perhaps I might give it a shot.  No matter what, I'm going to take it very slow.   It's basically just feeding my hope for the future to help me feel better during this very hard time.  

I'll update again after she moves out.  My scientific mind is interested in seeing how I feel when she does move out.  Will I be depressed because it's the final nail in the coffin for our relationship?  Will I be incredibly lonely?  Or, will I feel more relief and freedom than anything negative?

-Formerly "Lostdad" - I now embrace the username "phoenix" because my former life ended in flames, but my new life will be spectacular. 

     Thread Starter

December 29, 2016 6:32 am  #175

Re: How do I survive this?

"...I'll update again after she moves out.  My scientific mind is interested in seeing how I feel when she does move out.  Will I be depressed because it's the final nail in the coffin for our relationship?  Will I be incredibly lonely?  Or, will I feel more relief and freedom than anything negative?...."

Probably a bit of all those emotions.  One can not engineer a fix to TGT...something my ex revels in.   There is no science going on here..only hurt, betrayal, lack of morality.

My ex long ago discarded me physically. ..I recall crying myself to sleep next to her in those days and she would not give me any physical comfort.

Now I would not want to touch her in anyway.. one does not hug such a being capable of such evil. Not unless one has low self worth.

Truth is I'm incredibly lonely..incredible loneliness. 
But desperation for someone is not something I want to base a relationship on.  I don't trust myself...I don't want to find myself in a relationship where I dismiss bad treatment because I'm lonely.  I don't need that...alone is better.  Only my god and myself protect me now.

I think you'll do much better when she is out.  I remind myself it was not the nail in the coffin..that nail was hammered long ago when our spouses chose to cheat, hurt and continue to do it.
Perhaps when they kept their secret marrying us. 

I'm with you in the journey. ..a bit lost but still here and  finding my way.

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

January 8, 2017 10:01 am  #176

Re: How do I survive this?

Your story is almost exactly word for word like mine. I'm in the same boat as well. The one thing that bothers me is that she says you're being selfish with your emotions. That is a load of crap. You are entitled  whatever emotions you need to feel. That's only thing I can think of to say to you.   I am on antidepressants and anti-anxiety medicine and sleeping medicine. Then get only four hours of sleep.   I had to start taking medication because my drinking was out-of-control. The one thing I need and you need to do is take it day by day and not think too hard in the distant future. Maybe even moment by moment. Stay strong and good luck.


January 11, 2017 9:41 am  #177

Re: How do I survive this?

jjrab8486 wrote:

Your story is almost exactly word for word like mine. I'm in the same boat as well. The one thing that bothers me is that she says you're being selfish with your emotions. That is a load of crap. You are entitled whatever emotions you need to feel. That's only thing I can think of to say to you. I am on antidepressants and anti-anxiety medicine and sleeping medicine. Then get only four hours of sleep. I had to start taking medication because my drinking was out-of-control. The one thing I need and you need to do is take it day by day and not think too hard in the distant future. Maybe even moment by moment. Stay strong and good luck.

Thanks JJ.  I think that's all we can do..  take things one day at a time and take care of ourselves.  We will survive.. it's just not easy and not fair.  

-Formerly "Lostdad" - I now embrace the username "phoenix" because my former life ended in flames, but my new life will be spectacular. 

     Thread Starter

January 11, 2017 9:49 am  #178

Re: How do I survive this?

She's gone. 

She bought her house on Monday.  She brought a moving truck yesterday and a couple lesbian friends and took all of her stuff and left.  

Leading up to this, I wasn't sure how I would feel when she actually moved.  I was expecting some sadness but also some relief.   So.. how did I feel?   Awful.. absolutely awful. 

I realized it was the final nail in the coffin.  She was gone and left me alone in this world.  I was hoping for a touching moment between us before she left.  I was hoping she would embrace me and apologize and tell me how sorry she was for what she put me through.  I was hoping she would write me a letter and tell me that I was a good husband and thank me for sticking with her through thick and thin for 16 years.  

I got nothing at all.   She didn't even look at me when she said goodbye to our sons and walked out of the house.  Not a single word or care.  

So I felt completely empty.  I gave her my heart and she returned it to me in pieces.. utterly destroyed.  Without so much as an apology. 

I do have the house to myself now.  I'm going to move into the office and make that my own space.  I'm going to set up a man cave in the living room.  I need to replace some furniture and kitchen supplies so I'll have to go shopping.. which is fun I guess. 

I'm still waiting to feel that sense of relief and freedom.. so far not much in the way of happy thoughts.  Hopefully that will come as I begin to spread my wings and learn to enjoy life on my own. 

-Formerly "Lostdad" - I now embrace the username "phoenix" because my former life ended in flames, but my new life will be spectacular. 

     Thread Starter

January 11, 2017 2:49 pm  #179

Re: How do I survive this?


"..I got nothing at all.   She didn't even look at me when she said goodbye to our sons and walked out of the house.  Not a single word or care.  ".

So sorry...  Their leaving like this is their gay narcissism.   I honestly don't know how they do it..how they live with themselves but they do..   This is the difference between us and them...I even think it has nothing do to with being gay.  To hurt us like they are doing takes a special lack of values and morality.    I think their leaving in the way they do reaffirms in their head how that they are right and we are wrong.   My ex,
just to make it more hurtful,  took the kids with her when she left as to maximize the hurt.
She was all about maximum hurt and destruction...

Do not look for an "i'm sorry" or explanation... you will not get it.       Do you/we deserve a letter...yes.     I got a letter when we were divorcing. I will burn it at some point...there was no sorry  (if I look back she never said sorry once in the 2 decades we were married).   No, my letter was all made up reasons why we were divorcing  (not that she was gay and having an affair)...ie.  you never took out the trash   (I most certainly did)...  all tiny stuff you would not divorce someone about...when I tried to talk to her about this  I was met with rage....how she wrote a nice letter and I was contesting it.  But the letter was not really that nice ...placing all the blame on me.   So  I would not lament not getting a letter;  writing it down does not make it true or right.

I was sad when she left sure.. but she had been so cruel and mean, and things were so tense between us, that when she left there was an immediate sense of calm...her made up drama was removed from my life..the physical fear.    I'm only just getting used to feeling safe in my home.

You'll get more used to it.    I will admit there is a "nail in the coffin" or "it really happened" effect to them being gone..the destruction is front and center.    But they were mentally and emotionally gone long before they moved out.     They chose this a long time ago when they cheated and when they hid their gayness from us.
This is merely pomp and circumstance.

Let us know when and where the party is.

Last edited by Rob (January 11, 2017 2:52 pm)

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

January 11, 2017 5:31 pm  #180

Re: How do I survive this?

Yep, don't ever look for any remorse. Enjoy redecorating and spending time with your sons. Mine actually wanted to hug me, at that point, after all that he had done, I would have rather hugged the devil. It would have meant nothing, and he actually became annoyed and didn't understand why I didn't want a hug from such an awesome guy! What a joke.


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