OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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May 2, 2018 5:35 pm  #11

Re: How did you tell your adult children

Jes, I have a similar issue, in that my husband's secret has left my daughter with an incomplete understanding of what's going on when he gets angry with her, or with me, or with both of us.

My daughter is 22 and will graduate in a few weeks.  She's deeply stressed over everything -- not knowing what the future will bring, having to say goodbye to all her college friends, the whole nine yards.  So now is not the time to add something that could be deeply shocking and could taint all her lifetime memories of her graduation.  Now, I would rather my husband tell her directly, but if I leave it up to him, he'll procrastinate forever.  So I gave him a deadline, and I told him that if he can't bring himself to do it, I will tell her when I go to help her move out of her house.

Relinquere fraudator, vitam lucrari.

May 2, 2018 7:45 pm  #12

Re: How did you tell your adult children

Thank you everyone. That gives me a different perspective than how I was looking at it. GH is absolutely ruining his already rough relationship with our children. His frustration and the fear of coming out is making him an a$$.   My daughters counselor told her months ago that her father was inflicting emotional abuse on then. We are scheduled to separate by the end of the month. However I don’t know if I can let him behave that way with the kids for that long. He was being so great through this up until now. Here comes the real person that I knew all along.
Again, thank you for your input. It is valued and appreciated.

Last edited by jesijake (May 2, 2018 7:50 pm)

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May 5, 2018 9:57 am  #13

Re: How did you tell your adult children

Don't do what I did!

We each have adult daughters from previous. I ended up telling my daughter because it slipped out in our phone conversation as it was first happening.  For some STUPID reason I said, OMG don't tell your stepsister, she won't be able to handle it.  That was 4 months ago and my daughter hasn't spoken to me since.  She unfriended me on FB and has blocked my number.  She moved and I don't even know her apt number to send cards.   I've lost my husband and my daughter at the same time (my whole life)..  I don't think my stepdaughter knows even now because he's so deep in the closet..

I'm sorry this has happened to you.  The f.....bastards wait until they've used us all up and leave us feeling worthless.  Keep protecting your kids like you've been doing.  It sounds to me that you are a very good, loving mother and your kids are so lucky to have you!  You're doing a fantastic job being there 100 percent for them!  Don't let that piece of shit beat you down. ARGHH!!!!!!  That %%((_(&@ !!   E-hugs to you all.

Last edited by Kathyd (May 5, 2018 10:17 am)


May 5, 2018 3:10 pm  #14

Re: How did you tell your adult children

jkpeace wrote:


As I see it, a straight spouse has 2 choices:

1.  Choose to continue keeping the truth from our children.  This damages the children, as they will always wonder: What was wrong?  Why was my parents' marriage so strained and unhealthy?  Why was there not more joy available to me, as we were growing up?  Was I part of the problem?  Did I cause problems for my parents?  

If they ever do find out, they may think that being gay is the problem.  I never want my children to think that being gay is a problem.    Choice # 1 keeps us, the straight spouses, in limbo.  It strains our hearts and minds, in an unceasing way, inhibiting our own healing.  Choice #1 makes us wonder, continuously, "Should I tell or not?"  Continuing to keep an unhealthy secret is unhealthy.

2.  Tell the truth and allow healing to begin.  

There is pain, in both choices.  Healing is only possible, with choice #2.


It also damages them another way. They think that kind of relationship is normal and healthy. I am a firm believer in modeling behavior for our children. In fact, that was a huge factor in asking my STBX to leave. If either of my children, heaven forbid, came to me in a similar situation and was profoundly unhappy (as I was), what would I want them to do. I would never want them to think they couldn't leave and start over. They are seeing that I am doing it, so I hope they would feel they could do it to. Even if I'm no longer here to talk to them, I hope they would remember my example. That I took back my life and became happy again.

Stay Strong.


May 5, 2018 7:43 pm  #15

Re: How did you tell your adult children


Last edited by Lynne (February 3, 2019 1:34 pm)


May 5, 2018 8:16 pm  #16

Re: How did you tell your adult children

I'd just like to add that for the past generation the phrase 'they grew apart'  is likely to have meant a MOM in melt down.  The other thing I remember them saying was that the saddest marriage was where one had a stronger sex drive than the other.  That also is likely to have been a MOM.


May 22, 2018 6:17 am  #17

Re: How did you tell your adult children

The kids now know.  He told my daughter last Wednesday night. Good conversation - she, of course, was accepting of his "struggle". He was going to tell my son on Thursday - took him over to look at his new apartment and on the way home lost his shiz - like normal. Road rage - my son pointed this out to him and he went off.  Ended with each of them calling each other names and left my 19y/o son in such incredible pain and wonder of what he has done to push his dad so far away.  Seeing my son in such agony, I couldn't let it go on any longer. So I told him.  I told him that his dad is gay. I told him that I think him being an asshole so much lately is partly because his dad has been hiding this from us. (the other part is just because he is an asshole). GH moved out the next day.  Taking my son to see a counselor today. (Daughter is already in counseling) Meeting with divorce mediator today. Busy day.
I don't know what is to come. I just can't predict anything anymore. Every day is a new set of burdens and pains. And I just keep thinking - this can't be happening. How could he do this to me? How could he do this to our kids? And then keep saying that he has love for us?????  Reading another post, I saw where she was saying that the manipulation GH has placed on the family is insurmountable. AMEN. How F'd up can this get? Maybe I shouldn't ask - I'll probably find out.

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May 24, 2018 10:24 am  #18

Re: How did you tell your adult children

Kathyd, I worry my daughter will have a similar reaction to the one your daughter had.  But, I am so strongly in agreement that deception is unacceptable.

I think my husband probably thought "what they don't know won't hurt them" but that's objectively false.  When our daughter doesn't have a full understanding of the facts, she will fill in the blanks herself, and the narrative she chooses will very much hurt her.  Jkpeace is right in saying: "Once my children knew WHY their father was acting so horribly  ... it was better for the children's mental health."  This is what I'm thinking about our situation.  There were too many times my husband exploded in a rage at my daughter over something irrational ... and now I understand he was angry because he couldn't come up with a good cover story and wanted her to stop asking questions.

This was not some "victimless crime" in our house.  There are two very live victims, and part of the problem is that there was a secret.

Relinquere fraudator, vitam lucrari.

May 24, 2018 12:20 pm  #19

Re: How did you tell your adult children

This was not some "victimless crime"
Walk - there could not be a more honest statement. I am starting to see victims left and right. Myself, my kids, his sister & brother ... it keeps going. His “authentic self” has boosted the demand for mental health professionals in our area.
Good luck to anyone who’s kids don’t know yet. As hard as it is, I’m glad my kids can start the healing process now. It sucks to watch your kids hurt, but at least we can relate and be there to support them through this crisis.

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June 1, 2018 6:10 pm  #20

Re: How did you tell your adult children

For anybody interested in this topic generally -- I just finished moving my daughter out after graduation.  I'd decided to tell her after graduation so it wouldn't ruin all the festivities for her.  She was moving from DC up to NYC, and I went out to help her, so after we packed her stuff up and loaded everything into a rental car, we had a good five hours of uninterrupted time when the stress of getting through finals, graduation, and packing/moving was all behind us.  So that's when I told her.

​Right now, she's very, very angry with him, although her first reaction was that she was terrified he'd do something stupid.  She knew I'd discussed with him in advance that I was going to tell her, so she sent him a very sweet e-mail telling him that she loved him and just wanted him to be happy.  He responded shortly after telling her pretty much the same thing.  I'm glad she did this, because within 24 hours her compassion had evaporated and she was mad as hell at him for what he'd put me through, and what he'd put both of us through.  

​We're now in NYC unpacking her, and she hasn't had any more communication with him.  I know I've had several months to gradually absorb the stuff she's only known for 24 hours, and I tell her to take her time and give herself a little breathing room here.  So yeah, one foot in front of the other.  Right now, she's far angrier than I am, but again, I've had time.

Relinquere fraudator, vitam lucrari.

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