Not sure why, but yesterday was my best day in a year. 1 year since she really started to hang out with the 0/10. Not sure if she is in the picture anymore.
A combo of no beer for a bit, hitting the gym and hiking. Realizing it isn't my fault and there is nothing I could have done. Realizing I must be a strong person. Still going to be a roller coaster. Simple as that. And I also haven't seen or heard her for a couple of weeks. Realizing the woman I married is gone. Long gone. Felt great to have that horrific feeling out of my body for a day!!!!!!
Glad to hear. All these tiny steps eventually amount to a journey. Keep on truckin'
Last edited by Lynne (October 3, 2020 6:43 pm)
I love it.. wish we could see more posts like this. Thanks for sharing Count.
Awesome - so happy for you, Count!
Support and advice. Knowledge is power. Some great people in my life including the great people on here. Been an awful year, and a bad 4 months since disclosure. I have a great family and some great friends. Home life is challenging with my son, and we need winter to end to get him out more. She is going to take $450 a month from me even with the kids split 50/50. Not seeing her has helped so so much. I will not let her ruin me even though I am a shattered man. And yes, I was tricked and used. Simple as that. My daughter perhaps the love of my life ( dads with daughters will understand). Such a sweetheart. My son and I have a great time fishing and biking. He will me a good man one day. Life has to go on. I know this will take a long time to recover from. Just turned 40 and moved and so on. For a person like me who does better without change I am doing well. She said I look like the Count so I must have something going on!!!!! Funny!